Press Coverage
Jurnalul National, Firebird comes to Romania
14/06/2009Event / George Enescu Festival 2009
Could there be a better way than dancing to get young people to know and understand each other and to communicate?
The initiative of the Association Jungen Rumänen eine Chance!, presided by Monique Gruber, wife of former Ambassador of Germany in Romania, to introduce a new concept in Romania - Community dance – is most welcome. What is community dance? An opportunity given to individuals of all backgrounds and ages to express themselves artistically, a unique experience for personal development resulting in a creative performance achieved by ordinary people who discover new ways of communication and sharing.
At the beginning of September, the contemporary dance show The Firebird on Igor Stravinski’s music, will be performed three times, as part of George Enescu International Music Festival: on 5 September in Bucharest, on the stage of The National Theatre, on 7 September in Brasov and on 8 September in Sibiu.
A special bird
The performance involves 100 young Romanians coming from various social environments, orphans as well as privileged children, healthy as well as physically challenged people. During the 4-weeks training period they will discover themselves and the others through dancing.
These teenagers, 11 to 22 years old, with no experience in dancing and no special physical qualities, have the chance to be part of an exceptional creative act under the coordination of two highly experienced choreographers: Royston Maldoom and Josef Eder.
The National College I.L.Caragiale generously offered its gym for the entire training period. 30 teenagers from other cities, namely Brasov and Sibiu, were also invited to take part in the project.
One of the project’s goals is to continue at local level, to the benefit of a greater number of communities. Each community will be able to adapt the concept to its specific social and local needs. Participants can be chosen according to various relevant criteria. The two Romanian choreographers who will be part of the team this year will ensure the continuity of the project in the country in the coming years.
Any support offered by individuals or organisations to the project is most welcome.
Author: Loreta Popa