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Press Coverage

The Chronicle, The Firebird has soared!


The first performance of The Firebird project ended with several minutes of applause and cheering last night, on the National Theatre’s stage. The hall was full (I sat on the stairs), simple people alongside celebrities, several ethnicities. That is, on the other hand, the whole idea of The Firebird: the community dances as one. We are the blood of the same unique system, we flow together, regardless of the labels we aim to get or the ones that simply stick to us.

The great achievement of this project’s artisans, together with the choreographers, sponsors, volunteers, personalities who advocated the idea, is that they unified and they educated. This is how a community grows and, if we are lucky, a whole country. We, thechronicle.ro and Media Pozitiv have been extremely lucky to learn how to fly with The Firebird.
100 young people from very different environments sat, ate, learned and danced together for six weeks. This, to me, seems fabulous, apart from the artistic performance, seen more like a pretext, not a purpose. These children, victims of preconceptions, just like many of us, “cured” themselves through dancing, got rid of many of the weeds that were covering their path.

They danced for an hour on Igor Stravinsky’s music, guided by a team of choreographers led by Royston Maldoom and Josef Eder. What could be more beautiful?

The Firebird will be performed one more time in Sibiu, September 8th, 7 PM, at the Trade Unions’ Culture Hall.




Author: Rares Petrisor
