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One hundred youngsters on the theatre stages around the country

April 14th, 2009, Cariere

The association Jungen Rumänen eine Chance! is setting the bases of a new concept in Romania: Community Dance. One hundred young people from all different social levels (orphans, children coming from wealthy families, hearing impaired or with a physical handicap) will discover themselves and the others through dance.

Everything will result in puting on stage a dance show Firebird on the music of Igor Stravinski. With ages between 11 and 22 years old, with no experience in the art of dance with no special physical training, these youngsters will have the chance to work with two famous international choreograpghers - Royston Maldoom and Josef  Eder.

The show to be organized this year within George Enescu Festival and will have three performances: September, 5th, in Bucharest, at The National Theatre, pe scena Teatrului National, September, 7th, in Brasov, and September, 9th in Sibiu. The event has a budget of 181.000 EURO.

Through the generosity of some sponsors like ABB Romania, Eon Gaz, Vodafone, Carpatcement, Institutul Goethe, Privileg Catering, Hilton, Centrul Medical Unirea and Lufthansa more than half of a buget raising up to 180.000 de euro. This amount of money allows the organisers to start the project.

Those who are willing to help can approach the project coordinator, Mrs. Alexandra Arnautu (alexandra.arnautu@amistad.ro).

Partners to this project are teh Foundations Concordia, Princess Margarita of Romania, I.L. Caragiale high school and the school for hearing impaired children in Bucharest.


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